Once I was a yangban (양반).
Another time we were models for trendy Korean jackets.
That tepee is just like what we used when I was a young Korean boy growing up in the village. We were much shorter back then or maybe there was just food in it, I don't remember.
The point of the teeter-totter jumping game is not to knock the other person off or to break his legs, I learned. You're just supposed to keep jumping. It didn't make sense until I found out it was a girl sport.
Is a yangban like a Korean pilgrim? I kept trying to figure out why there were pilgrim cutouts in Korea... in October, no less.
And games where the goal is to knock over or break the limbs of your opponents definitely are uniquely boy things, I'm learning. We don't really do that. Although, I bet a boy invented that jumping-up-and-down game...
These pictures have "Christmas picture" written all over them.
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