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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Swirling mists in the somber hue of morning...

He peered out the window at the end of the hall. Strange gray forms loomed in the distance: a chicken farm, a church, and further on nameless towers that blended into fog.

Below, a field of snow lay white and hung with dreary shadows...

The red figure of a man gleamed between bare branches, cutting the somber backdrop like 한복 on Goth night. His flashing glance was a warning... an ill omen... of something...

... But Lewis set his gaze grimly and stepped forward. His resolve, fixed as though by eternal command, would not be broken. No spell or enchantment could undo the force of his will.


Unknown said...


ms.understood said...

that's beautiful. the pictures and the words.

Lewis Knudsen said...

하하 신기하다!