On Saturday, 4/11, Mr. Lee from our church asked Lewis and I if we wanted to go mountain climbing. We agreed, and it turned out to be a lot more than just mountain climbing. First, we visited the Memorial Hall of Korean patriot Ahn Choong-Keun (neither my spelling or the Wiki article's is incorrect; the transliteration is just a bit arbitrary). The museum was located in a park at the foot of the mountain. As you can see, the cherry blossoms were out in force.
At the top of the mountain we found a great view of Seoul (though hazed by
the 황사) and a little surprise:
But that wasn't all. We followed Mr. Lee around downtown Seoul for the rest of the day, and he gave us all kinds of interesting insights into Korean history, politics, and theology. I was thrilled to finally see some interesting architecture.
The night photos aren't very good, but you can at least see a bit of the downtown area. There's a lot of "downtown" in Seoul, but this is the cool looking part.
very cool! u crazy on roller coaster!!
YOU FOUND THE TEDDY BEAR MUSEUM!!! I told you it was there!!! Did you go in?! That just made my day!
Thanks for posting the climbing expedition complete with cherry blossoms--Wow!
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