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Saturday, April 4, 2009

I-talian cafe

For those of you who care about such things: it tasted like a fairly long shot (as though the barista took a bathroom break at some point during the pull). It had the barest impression of crema - more like the faint Socratic recollection of crema wanting for maieutic assistance. The flavor profile successfully recreated a "Nyquil and vinegar" sensation, and the mouth feel was predominantly "orthodontic." Lingering in the finish were notes of cardboard, anxiety, and fermented Ramen.


Hepaman said...

Oh, sounds so yummy.

Emily Mc said...

You can ferment Ramen?!! Holy cow -- I know what Joel and I are doing this weekend!

Yogurt said...

That is the best description of anything. Ever.

Yogurt said...

I am yogurt. Kelly.