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Saturday, March 14, 2009


This is a bit old, but why not post it? (not much happens here)

...the inaugural voyage of our dear Duplex coffee maker. This is before we got the adaptor to use the grinder, so we had to choke down some narsty SBC French roast. We have since obtained an adaptor, and are being spoiled silly by some of Chicago's finest. Thanks Kristin.


Emily Mc said...

Don't worry, guys... I'll make sure Joel never sees your flippant review, "Eh, it's coffee." Luckily, The Apartment has not yet regained Internet access since your departure.

kknudsen said...

Keith, we enjoy your video's they are great.
I wish we were there to share the cofffee

Unknown said...

I got interwebs... and I am ashamed to shy.... I have been drinking the Folgers at work. If there is no coffee, might as well drink the Folgers. (you should know that your blog is making me type dirty words in order to post comments)

Unknown said...

And by shy I mean say.