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Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Twice a week the kids get to watch Mr. Rose forget song motions on the school's CC TV. Is this appropriate for children? We report, you decide.

Notably neglected was a proper address of the racial inappropriateness of this particular song.

I edited this way down because the whole thing is really long and horribly boring (ten minutes). That's my trusty and adorable co-teacher Ji-Hyun speaking Korean. Note her growing but tempered annoyance at my bungling. I've made her life exactly fourteen times more difficult.


Emily Mc said...

You DO kind of look like you should be reporting the news with your suits and witty banter!

As soon as you said "10 Little Indians," I about lost it. I'm going to get my kids on the rez to sing "10 Little Koreans" this summer and send you a video of THAT. :P

Tonya said...

Hello Keith,
I am very great friends with the Knudsens. I just wanted to tell you that I am following and enjoying your adventures and will be praying for you and Lewis. Thanks for all the great updates.
Your friend in Christ,